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  1. Journey starts here

    Being unfulfilled in your career saps your energy and causes a great deal of stress, which is bad for your self-esteem and wellbeing. In fact it can have a negative impact on all areas of your work and personal life. But making a career change can seem daunting. What if setting up by yourself means taking a pay cut and making changes to your lifestyle? Perhaps you’re worried about failing, needing new skills, or what other people might think.

    It can be difficult to navigate all these issues on your own. A great career coach can save you hours of frustration by helping you narrow down your options and identify the paths you could take. Choosing the right direction makes all the difference.

    Here are my five top tips to help you make the right choice:

    1. Don't put off asking for help 

    First of all, reach out! As with most things, preventative measures are best, and you’re far better off speaking with someone before you’re overwhelmed and desperate. Don't wait until you’ve lost your job, or feel so demoralised and frustrated in your current one, you’re on the brink of walking away from it. Your coach can help you get 'unstuck' and find the right answers for you. They’ll help you stay on track with your goals, explore options, and handle different elements of a job search – including rejection. 

    2. Check accreditation and affiliations

    Not all career coaches are accredited, and this is something to beware of. Accredited career coaches have to commit to Continuous Professional Development. This means they'll be up to speed with best practice, and will follow a Code of Ethics which provides an additional level of confidence in how they work. The International Coach Federation has a directory of accredited coaches. And remember, thanks to video apps like Zoom and WhatsApp the coach you hire doesn’t need to be local. 

    3. Think about what you want

    It’s important to identify your goal upfront. What do you want to be different by the end of your coaching experience? If you’re feeling general dissatisfaction with your career, think about the broad themes you’d like to explore, so your work with a coach can be more targeted. You may want to work with a coach who has experience working in the corporate sector, or someone who’s an expert in nonprofit or public sector careers. Check LinkedIn profiles to see where the coach has spent their own career.

    4. Try before you buy

    A great career coach will offer a complimentary 20–30 minute coaching session, so they can learn more about you, explain their coaching process, and agree on the format for your sessions (face-to-face or virtual). They’ll use a coaching approach during your conversation so you can experience what it feels like to work with them. 

    This trial session works both ways. It gives you the opportunity to find out if your coach will be a good match, and similarly the coach can get a better sense of how you might work together to get the results you want. For coaching to be successful, both parties need to feel they can ask for commitment from each other.

    5. Make sure you click 

    The right chemistry is the foundation of the coach-client relationship, so have trial sessions with at least three potential coaches before you decide who to work with. You and your coach need to quickly establish a relationship of confidence, honesty and trust. Is the coach friendly and welcoming? Is their approach founded on trust and respect for you as an individual? Do they ask meaningful questions and listen carefully to your responses? The right coach will be supportive yet challenging. They won't tell you what job to do; they will guide you through a thought process to help you work out what you want and what's important about it.

    Take the next step

    Working with the right career coach can be a truly life-changing experience. You can build a new career that aligns with your core values and your talents, leading to success and fulfilment. 

    If you’re ready to start making that change, book a complimentary sample session and we can discuss a personalised coaching programme to create a compelling vision of your future career, set meaningful goals and help you turn your ambitions into reality.

  2. Hired!

    Panicking at the thought of your upcoming interview? The good news is that with some thoughtful preparation, you can feel comfortable and at ease in the interview room, discussing why you are the best fit for the role with confidence. Here are my 8 killer tips to help you nail the interview and get the job offer. 

    1. Practice makes perfect 

    Winging it is never worth it. Your interviewer will see right through it and your answers will suffer, so you should dedicate at least an hour to your preparation. 

    Get really familiar with examples from previous roles which demonstrate you have the key strengths and skills, and take time to practise your responses. A useful format is: What was the situation? How did you resolve it? What were the results? Ask a friend or family member to pose as an interviewer so you can get used to answering questions in real time.

    2. Dress appropriately and be on time

    There are very few (if any) excuses for arriving late for an interview - whether it’s face-to-face or virtual!. Do whatever you need to do to get there 10 to 15 minutes in advance, even if it involves setting several alarms or leaving extra early.

    It is better to be overdressed than underdressed in most industries, so it’s wise to opt for business casual, even if your interviewer is wearing jeans and flip flops! 

    3. Think before you speak

    A well thought out answer is always better than a rushed one. You don’t want to sit there in silence for five minutes, but it is acceptable to take several seconds to think before you speak.

    Buy yourself time by repeating the interviewers' questions back to them. If you’re really stumped you can say: “What a great question. I’ve actually never been asked this before; let me just take a second or two to think about this.” 

    4. Speak clearly and calmly

    Talking too fast can make you look rushed, flustered or anxious. Make a conscious effort to slow down, breathe steadily and speak calmly and clearly. 

    Relax, be yourself, and reply with confidence. Recap your experience and emphasise your best qualities and strongest skills. If asked to talk about a challenging situation, include what you learned that you could draw on in the future.

    5. Actively listen

    Good listening skills and the ability to stay focused are crucial. If you don’t listen well, you might miss the entire point of the question and as a result, your answer could fall totally flat.

    Stay in the moment and listen to your interviewer’s question while mentally preparing your answer. Don’t let yourself zone out, even if it feels like the interviewer is endlessly going on. 

     6. Be positive and honest

    When asked why you want to leave your current job, it's important not to be negative. Explain how this new job is a great fit for you. Express your interest in the role and the company, and passion for the work you do. 

    Everyone dreads the "what is your weakness?" question. Many managers will hire on potential, so be honest about how you are tackling any development areas or how you plan to gain the experience in the job.

    7. Body language and being yourself 

    Your body language matters as much as your words, so walk in with a smile on your face, offer a firm handshake, and sit up tall. Smile and sit squarely in front of the camera if the interview is virtual, and aim for an uncluttered  background..

    Don't forget that interviewers may also be nervous. Go in feeling like an equal, and remember that this is a two-way discussion. Is this the right job and organisation for you? How does it align with your values? How can you fulfil your potential in this role?

    8. Say thank you and ask for feedback

    As soon as your interview concludes, thank your interviewer for their time, and always follow up with a thank-you email, restating your interest in the position.

    If you are unsuccessful, make sure that you request feedback so you can get a clear idea of anything you might want to change next time around, especially if this position matches the kind of role you really want.


    Talent for Change 

    If you’re looking for clarity on your next career move, why not book a free 30 minute consultation? Find out more